Our services
The company Scientec can put at your disposal some equipment of its range in terms some equipment of its range in terms of rental.
In the PHOTOMETRY department, luxmeters (T-10A), chromameter (CS-100A), spectroradiometers (CS-2000), screen analyzers (CA-310; CA-410) and video-colorimeters (LMK 98-4;) are available.
In the SURFACE ANALYSIS department, AFM microscopes, mechanical profilometers (P series), interferometric microscopes (MicroXAM) are also available.
Any request from you will be considered. Do not hesitate to call us or make an explicit request by e-mail. For any information concerning rentals, please do not hesitate to ask us for details at this electronic address: info@scientec.fr

Calibration & standardization
The ScienTec company has all the equipment necessary to calibrate the equipment that it markets or that it rents.
Une salle noire permet l'étalonnage et le calibrage de tous les équipements du département PHOTOMETRIE (luminancemètre, spectroradiomètre, source de référence, luxmètre...) sur des sources certifiées COFRAC, des monochromateurs, des bancs optiques...
Pour ce qui concerne le département ANALYSE DE SURFACE, un laboratoire équipé de bancs de tests et de standards permet les calibrages et étalonnages des scanners AFM, des profilomètres mécaniques, des profilomètres optiques...
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour de plus amples informations à cette adresse : info@scientec.fr
Sample run and demonstration
Do you hesitate before buying a product? Don't have the budget? Send us your samples or request a demonstration
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information at this address: info@scientec.fr