UHV accessories and instruments
Wide range of customized products
1. Instruments
2. Manipulators
3. Chamber
4. Sample holder
5. Accessories
6. Electronics
Wide range of UHV instruments
PREVAC designs and manufactures a wide range of advanced UHV instruments for surface treatment techniques. Each aspect of each instrument is fully developed and manufactured in-house using the latest and most efficient technologies and manufacturing methods, to produce new generation features and ensure the best support and responsiveness to our customers. All of our instruments are fully tested and field tested for their exceptional performance and stability. Each of the instruments in our range is easy to use, fully nested if necessary and delivered with the latest modular control software for maximum flexibility and integration. For special requirements, we can modify and develop our instruments to meet your individual requirements.
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New in deposit instruments
Effusion Cell EF 40C1
EF 40C1 Effusion Cell (Knudsen Cell) is a source designed for delivering highly constant evaporation rates by indirect resistive heating at the material.
Custom insertion length 114 - 380 mm (other on request).
- Extremely stable flux rates
- Various crucible materials
- Highly reproducible & reliable
- Suitable for use in any MBE system
- Mo free construction (allows high outgassing temperatures)
- Integral water cooling
- Customised insertion length
- With or without integrated manual/electro-pneumatic shutter
- Linear shift
- Crucibles
- Thermocouple type C or K

Low Temperature Effusion Cell EF 40LT1
EF 40LT1 Low Temperature Effusion Cell (Knudsen Cell) is designed for highly constant evaporation rates in lower ranges of temperature.
Custom insertion length min. 325 mm (other on request).
- Evaporation temperature range: 100 °C - 1000 °C
- Extremely stable flux rates
- Various crucible materials
- Highly reproducible & reliable
- Suitable for use in any MBE system
- Mo free construction (allows high outgassing temperatures)
- Integral water cooling
- Thermocouple type C
- Customised insertion length
- With or without integrated manual/electro-pneumatic shutter
- Linear shift
- Crucibles

Precise placement and handling of samples in UHV environments
Manipulators are used to manipulate sample holders and scientific tools relative to the position of a sample. These manipulators, when combined with sample holders, allow precise placement and handling of samples in UHV environments. The manipulator equipment is designed to be modular for convenience and total flexibility. Individual modules, such as Z Slide modules, XY Stage, rotary bushings and motorization modules, are compatible to allow the creation of complex applications from a range of simple units.

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From mm to m in diameter
In vacuum systems, the chambers contain the vacuum at basic pressures of up to 10 orders of magnitude. The physical characteristics of the chambers are as varied as the applications for which the vacuum is used. They can be a few millimeters in diameter or a few meters in diameter. They can be as simple as a four-way crossover or have hundreds of ports oriented to many internal focal points at multiple levels of the chamber.

More info on vacuum chambers
Sample Holder
Sample holder dedicated to your application
In PREVAC, we invest a lot of time and experience in the development of sample holders. Our standard in sample holders is called PTS and exists in our full range of systems. However, we design and develop all supports according to the wishes and needs of the client. We are also very open to adapting all sample holders, especially if we combine different types of standards for sample holders in a UHV system. If necessary, we can offer our help for the development and improvement of new

More info on sample holders
Titanium sublimation pump
The main advantage of this pump is that it is simple, inexpensive and can produce high pumping speeds. The PST consists of 3 removable filaments in the shape of a hairpin. They are made from an alloy of titanium and molybdenum and are mounted in a simple support designed to have low electrical resistance. A high current from an external power source passes through the filament so that it is glowing. At this temperature, the titanium is sublimated directly from the filament. This sublimated evaporator then covers the neighboring walls of the chamber.
- To increase the pumping speed, the TSP can be equipped with a liquid nitrogen shield.
- Can work in any orientation

More info on accessories
Advanced power supplies and control electronics
for instruments and auxiliary equipment
- Power supplies and heating controllers
- Measurement controllers
- Power control units
- Motor controllers for simple transfer system
- Highlighted vacuum chamber

More info on electronics
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