Analysis systems
Family of Analysis systems
1. XPS
5. AFM
6. ISS
8. ...
Vacuum analysis

and instruments>
Here are some projects:
UPS XPS system

ARPES UHV system

UHV multi-chamber system

Analysis chamber - in μ-metal, with connection flanges for current and subsequent equipment. Basic pressure range 10-10 mbar (after cooking at 150 ºC),
- EA15 hemispherical energy analyzer - equipped with a total number of 11 slots, the analyzer offers the possibility of choosing between the best energy resolution and the best intensity. Average radius: 150 mm. Kinetic energy range: 0-2000 eV,
- X-ray source RS 40B1 - high intensity double anode X-ray source,
- X-ray source with RMC50 monochromator with electronic assembly (emission controller, cooling box and high-voltage power supply for the operation of the RMC50 and RS40B1 x-ray sources),
- UV source UVS 40A2,
- RUDI-EA2 - highly stable and low noise electronics,
- SPECTRIUM - a progressive and optimized software tool for manipulation and intuitive graphical interface,
- 4-5-6 axes, fully motorized UHV manipulator (with heating and cooling),
- Pumping system for analysis chamber and analysis components,
- Gas dosing system for the analysis chamber.
The analysis chamber with mu-metal lining guarantees a residual magnetic field of less than 0.1 microTesla and a basic pressure range of 5 * 10-11 mbar including:
- Closed cycle High resolution manipulator with LHe cooling (sample temperature below 15 K) - fully motorized
- Optimized for high demand applications, high precision ARPES electron analyzer
- Monochromatic UV source for measuring the inverter with dedicated pumping system
Loading chamber can load up to 12 flag-style sample holders
The preparation chamber mounted on top of the analysis chamber, which allows the use of a manipulator for the two chambers, includes:
- Ion spray source for cleaning samples
- Deposition rate measurement system: quartz balance and thickness monitor
- Gold evaporator (effusion cell)
- LEED with multichannel plate for Leed / Auger measurement
Storage chamber with parking mechanism for 12-flag style sample holder
The radial distribution chamber (UFO) for transferring the samples is transferred between the chambers under UHV pressures
- Set of dedicated multifunctional multi-material sample holders
- Special rack for all electronic units
- Special cooking system
Multi-technical UHV system for FTIR surveys, equipped with an MBE chamber and a preparation module.
IR chamber for infrared measurement under vacuum conditions:
- Potassium bromide glass port system prepared for use with Bruker Optics Inc. infrared spectrometers
- The high-precision 4-axis manipulator with LN2 cooling and EB heating up to 2000 ° C allows measurements to be made in reflection and in transmission
- Ion spray source for cleaning samples
- The high precision infrared vacuum spectrometer with dedicated frame allows
- Gas dosing system
- Wide range pressure regulation system (1 mbar -10-10 mbar)
Two-level preparation chamber for non-organic materials:
- High precision 4-axis manipulator with LN2 cooling and EB heating up to 2000 ° C
- Ion spray source for cleaning samples
- Atomic hydrogen source
- LEED optics - AUGER
- TDS thermal desorption spectrometer
The radial distribution chamber (UFO) for transferring the samples is transferred between the chambers under UHV pressures
Load Lock chamber allows loading of the PTS sample holder
Storage chamber with parking mechanism for 6 PTS sample holders
- Set of dedicated multifunctional multi-material sample holders
- Special rack for all electronic units
- Special cooking system
- Spare parts
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